I had been so looking forward to celebrating Scarlett’s first birthday with friends and family since the time she was born, because she is our first baby and because I have always envisioned the 1st birthday of our first child being a BIG deal, but with COVID-19 restrictions, things were a lot different than I had imagined, but still a special celebration of her first year of life.
I spent all week making decorations for us to celebrate our little first born baby girl’s special day. I chose pink and gold for her colors and covered everything in glitter! I love the way glitter sparkles – it adds something magical to everything it touches. As I worked, Rob was cringing with every speck that sparkled – he is NOT a fan of glitter, and that is putting it very lightly. But he let me have my fun and be creative in preparation for Scar’s party; a true testament to how much he loves our little girlfriend. 🙂

The night before her birthday I hung pink and gold balloons and gold stars with bright pink ribbons from the ceiling and along the walls with a big sign that read “Twinkle Twinkle Little Scar!” I also hand-cut and glittered letters to spell Happy Birthday Scar with gold and vibrant magenta glitter – it looked awesome. I was thrilled with how they turned out!
The morning of her birthday we had a big slide set up for Scarlett to find just outside of her room. It was so cute to see her investigate the slide, and she was happy to sit on top of it, but when it came to actually sliding down the slide, she was not excited about it. I think it is still a bit big for her and scared her a little. I think she will grow to love it as she gets bigger!
Early afternoon we took Scarlett on a birthday hike with our friends Caitlin, Kyle, and little Sawyer (5 months older than Scarlett) up to South Mountain with a beautiful view of Hubbard Castle. The weather was absolutely perfect. Scar loves to be outside and enjoyed her pb&j sandwich in the sunshine! Maybe we will make a birthday hike a tradition on the kids’ birthdays. Sounds like a good idea!
All day we fed her her favorite things! Bananas and oatmeal for breakfast, peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, and mac and cheese for dinner, and of course cake and ice cream for dessert! Because of COVID-19 we were not able to have any friends or family in our home to celebrate our amazing little girl with us, but we had a little family zoom call with family that wanted to watch Scarlett open her presents and eat her first birthday cake. I made her a little yellow star and blue moon shaped funfetti flavored cakes with gold stars on popsicle sticks popping out of the them. The cakes turned out really cute! Scar didn’t really smash her “smash” cake, she even cried a little when I pushed her into the star to encourage her, but once she took a bite she really enjoyed it!
Rob and I loved watching her investigate and enjoy all of her birthday surprises throughout the day. Celebrating our first baby’s 1st birthday without any family or friends was not how I imagined Scar’s birthday, but we did our best to make things super special for her all day and I think she had a wonderful day! She is such an amazing little girl, so sweet and smart. She brings so much light and laughter into our home and our lives. We are incredibly grateful to be her parents–we are so blessed she is ours. Happy Birthday little Scarlett! We love you to the moon and beyond!